Homeschool Outdoor Education is almost here!
September 22-24, 2009
Day 1:
Class: Our ECOSYSTEMS class will be focusing on the concept that all things created by God must work together for all to survive. Students will use their senses to develop an awareness of the ecosystem’s components, and the resources they provide.
Game: Mission, Possible Your mission is to smuggle Bibles into mainland China by covert operations. You must locate the lone distributor in hostile territory, then transport the Bibles one by one to local churches. Points are earned by the number of Bibles smuggled and translated into two or three of the local dialects.
Activity: Archery
Craft: Rope Making
Day 2:
Class: The ANIMALS class focuses on the relationship between animals and their habitats. The connections in the food web, as well as population variations, are examined. Simulations, observations, and graphing and interpreting data illustrate carrying capacities and resource dependency within an ecosystem.
Game: Shipwreck is a high energy activity that allows students to work together while developing their listening skills. The ship’s captain will give various commands, and the students need to follow them quickly and correctly.
Activity: Canoeing
Craft: Leather Stamping
Day 3:
Class: PLANTS are an essential part of God’s creation and play a major role in the web of life. By exploring the indigenous plants and utilizing games, students will learn what plants require for growth, and their importance to our survival. They will learn about limiting factors and able to explain how it affect plant growth.
Game: Bullwinkle A fun, busy game of a moose murder whodunit, focusing on collecting clues and using observation skills to correctly determine the perpetrator. Campers search for answers in their groups by questioning the staff as to their whereabouts and other various clue finding techniques.
Activity: Riflery
Craft: Candle Making
10am – 2pm
class 10:00-11:30 90mins
lunch 11:30-12:00 30mins
game 12:00-12:45 45mins
devos 12:45-1:15 30mins
activity 1:15-2:00 45mins
$20 a day or $50 for 3 days
bring your own sack lunch
manuals and pencils provided
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